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Tuesday, 19 November 2019


Introduction to Robot Frame Work      

  • It is an Open Source tool. 

  • It is generic test Automation Framework

  • It is basically built on python and import all python libraries

  • It  supports all platforms(like win,linux ,mac..etc)

  • It has detailed Logging and reporting

  • It is basically based on Keyword driven framework and it also Supports Data driven and behavior driven framework.

  • It can also Integrated with test management tools like (Jenkins,HP JAZZ...etc)

  •  It creates Higher level keywords using existing libraries


1 comment:

  1. wonderful article. Very interesting to read this article.I would like to thank you for the efforts you had made for writing this awesome article. wonderful article. Very interesting to read this article.I would like to thank you for the efforts you had made for writing this awesome article.
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