/ - indicates the root of the directory
ls - to List the files
ls -l to list in long format
ls -a to list the hidden files
ls -al to list files and dir in detail view
ls -R to list all subdirectories in directiories
create a file in CLI and add content ---- cat > filename
display content of file ------ Cat filename
remove a file ----- rm filename
create directry ---------- mkdir filename
remove dirtry ------------ rmdir filename
move file or rename ------mv file1 file2
sudo --- allows user to run with root permissions
man or help ----- give information of command
history ---- help to view the previous commands executed
clear ---- clear the terminal
pr - command is used format the file content and print
pr -x filename
cat - to read a file
- indicates the file (-rwx)
d indicates the directory(drwx)
rwx- read,write,execute for file
Users(Owner,Group,Others) for file
chmod - to give permission to file or directories
chown - used to chnage owner or group name
Output redirection:
ls -l > txt
redirecting the output to file txt
Helps you to use two or more commands at same time
cat filename | less or Pg or more ----- display first page and we need to scroll down using arrow
find . name 'filename'
. current directory
to search for file
to search for string in file
cat requirements.txt | grep six
grep -c --- display count of matching
grep -n ---- display matching line with number
grep -i --- display upper and lower case matching
grep -v ---- display all lines donot macth string
Linux has a lot of filter commands like awk, grep, sed, spell, and wc
. replace any character
^ start with character macthes
$ end with character macthes
* matches any character o or more
\ matches special chracter
? matches any single chracter
\+ matches one or more preceding character
\? matches zero or more preceding chracter
grep -E a\+t
grep -E a\?t
echo {0..10}
echo {a..z}
echo test{0..8}
sorting content of file alphabetically,numerically,case sensitive
sort filename
-r reverse sorting
-n sort numerically
-f case sentive
ls - to List the files
ls -l to list in long format
ls -a to list the hidden files
ls -al to list files and dir in detail view
ls -R to list all subdirectories in directiories
create a file in CLI and add content ---- cat > filename
display content of file ------ Cat filename
remove a file ----- rm filename
create directry ---------- mkdir filename
remove dirtry ------------ rmdir filename
move file or rename ------mv file1 file2
sudo --- allows user to run with root permissions
man or help ----- give information of command
history ---- help to view the previous commands executed
clear ---- clear the terminal
pr - command is used format the file content and print
pr -x filename
cat - to read a file
- indicates the file (-rwx)
d indicates the directory(drwx)
rwx- read,write,execute for file
Users(Owner,Group,Others) for file
chmod - to give permission to file or directories
chown - used to chnage owner or group name
Output redirection:
ls -l > txt
redirecting the output to file txt
Helps you to use two or more commands at same time
cat filename | less or Pg or more ----- display first page and we need to scroll down using arrow
find . name 'filename'
. current directory
to search for file
to search for string in file
cat requirements.txt | grep six
grep -c --- display count of matching
grep -n ---- display matching line with number
grep -i --- display upper and lower case matching
grep -v ---- display all lines donot macth string
Linux has a lot of filter commands like awk, grep, sed, spell, and wc
. replace any character
^ start with character macthes
$ end with character macthes
* matches any character o or more
\ matches special chracter
? matches any single chracter
\+ matches one or more preceding character
\? matches zero or more preceding chracter
grep -E a\+t
grep -E a\?t
echo {0..10}
echo {a..z}
echo test{0..8}
sorting content of file alphabetically,numerically,case sensitive
sort filename
-r reverse sorting
-n sort numerically
-f case sentive
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