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Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Basic Linux Commands used daily
Navigation :
- To print working directory : pwd
- To change directory : cd
- To list files and contents of directories : ls
- To list files/direc in long format : ls –l
- To list the hidden files/direc : ls –a
- To view text files : less text_file
- To know what kind of a file it is : file name_of_file
Manipulating Files:
- To Copy files and directories : cp file1 filenew
- To move or rename the files/directories : mv file1 filenew
- To remove the file/directories : rm file
- To make directory : mkdir
Working with commands:
- Display Information about command type: type command(ls,cp..etc)
- To locate the command : which command (ls…etc)
- To display the reference page: help –m command(cd..etc)
- To display on-line command interface : man ls
I/O Redirection :
- To redirect standard output to a file : “ > “ ( ls > file_list.txt )
- To redirect standard output to a file : “ < ” (sort < file_list.txt > sorted_file.txt)
- With pipeline the output of one command is fed into input of another :
–l | less
rpm –qa| grep
–i filename : Rpm –qa list
for all rpm files installed on system and Grep Accweb
it find any containing the string
“accweb” and output them.
- Filters:
sort : Sorts standard input then outputs the
sorted result on standard output.
grep : Examines each line of data it receives
from standard input and outputs every line that contains a specified pattern of
tail : Outputs the last
few lines of its input. (Ex : tail –f logs.txt)
- to change the permissions of folders/files : Chmod XXX filename
- Temporarily become super user : su & sudo
- Change file ownership of user : chown user filename
- Change file ownership of group : chgrp group filename
- Change file ownership of user & group : chown user:group filename
Job Control:
- To know the process running : ps or jobs
- to know the processes running on system : Ps aux
- to find process with user : Ps –u name of User
- to kill the process : Kill -9 process name
-9 Kill signal
-1 hang-up signal
-2 interrupt signal
-15 termination signal
- Matches any characters : *
- Matches ant single character: ?
- All filenames : *
- All filenames that begin with the character "g" : g*
- All filenames that begin with the character "b" and end with the characters ".txt" : b*.txt
Txt Editor:
- to edit the configuration/txt file (command line) : vi/vim
- gedit is the editor supplied (GUI) : gedit
- Search file by name : Find -name "query"
- Search file by type : Find -type type_descriptor_query
decriptor :
F - regular file
d- directory
I -symbolic link
- Search : locate filename
- We can use locate/grep for searching :
grep "codes" install.log : searh for word/string/line in a file
(grep –n ,display with line number, grep –I it search for case sensitive
grep -i "codes"(Search string) /root/install.log (path of file)
[root@localhost ~]# grep "codes"
Installing iso-codes-3.16-2.el6.noarch
Remote Administration
- Can use ssh with a full hostname to connect to a remote machine : ssh hostname
- Connect to a remote system with your current username :ssh username@hostname
- Allows you to copy files from one computer/server to another computer/server : scp
Other Commands:
- To know which user is logged : whoami
- To know who recently logged : users
- history : for monitoring commands executed by user.
- Service : for start/stop/restart/status (Service httpd start,service red5 stop,…etc)
- Top : to monitor system activities
- df - to know disk file space on machine (df –h size in GB,df –m sizein MB )
- fdisk –l - to display with partitions
- Netstat : give information about network connections (nestat –tcp display all tcp connections)
- Mount – for mounting formatted partitions
Basic Network Commands
- Netstat : to look up the various active connections within a computer
- Traceroute : to know the number hop it travelled to reach destination.
- Nslookup: It is use for DNS quiery.
- Dig : It is use for DNS quiery.It display full info.
- Ifconfig : It is very useful in determining what could be wrong with a know IP address.
- Ifup: enable interface
- Ifdown : disable interface.
- Ping : PING is used to check for a response from another computer on the network.
- Ping -c hostadress :
What command used to check Disk Space ?
Command to know disk space : df
Command to know size in GB : df -h
Command to know size in MB : df -m
How to change the Ownership of file/Group?
-lart tmpfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 himanshu family 0 2012-05-22 20:03 tmpfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 himanshu family 0 2012-05-22 20:03 tmpfile
Before using command :
to change Ownership of file: chown root
to change Ownership of group : chgrp
friends tmpfile
After using command above:
-l tmpfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root friends 0 2012-05-22 20:03 tmpfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root friends 0 2012-05-22 20:03 tmpfile
What command used for finding the process running?
to see processes running : ps
to find the process run by user : ps
-u Sukesh
What Command to
kill a process ?
Kill -9 process name
-9 Kill signal
-1 hangup signal
-2 interrupt signal
-15 termination signal
Search for a file by name ?
-name "query"
Search the file by type?
-type type_descriptor query
decriptor :
- regular file
-symbolic link
How to know
which user is logged?
: whoami
Who recently
logged in?
Command : users
How do we transfer file from one server to another?
Command used to establish ssh connection : ssh
username@ IP
How we move file from one folder to another?
Command : Mv
file name remote folder path
How do we copy file from one folder to another folder?
Command: cp
filename remote folder path
What command use for add interface?
Command : ifup
What command used fo remove interface?
Command : ifdown
To know Current working Directory ?
used : Pwd
Command to give permissions?
XXX filename

777 rwx rwx rwx
= 111 in binary = 7
rw- = 110 in binary = 6
r-x = 101 in binary = 5
r-- = 100 in binary = 4
rw- = 110 in binary = 6
r-x = 101 in binary = 5
r-- = 100 in binary = 4
777 filename
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